

Unifonic instantly sends SMS messages such as transactional alerts, critical notifications, & promotional campaigns globally. You can engage customers with personalized offers, timely promotions, and special deals to maximize brand awareness, increase conversions, and boost customer loyalty while improving ROI.


Configure Unifonic for SMS 

Below is a step-by-step explanation for setting up Unifonic as your desired SMS provider on HIPPO. Before you go ahead, please make sure to keep the login credentials of your Unifonic Account handy.

  1. Go to Settings under Engagement Automation >> Config >> SMS Configuration
  2. Select the option “Use personal SMS gateway account” in the drop-down box.
  3. Select Unifonic under Integrated gateways.
  4. You will see the Unifonic configuration page as shown below:


  1. Next, enter the authentication details. To use Unifonic, you will need a Unifonic account, an application ID (AppSid), and a registered sender. You can find these details in your Unifonic console once you log in to your Unifonic account.
    • AppSid (mandatory to fill in): Authentication string that uniquely identifies your application.
    • SenderID: The SenderID identifies who has sent the SMS message, typically a brand name; in case of not adding this parameter, the system will use the default SenderID.





  1. After entering the details, click on Save to save the authentication details. The authentication for Unifonic is at the account level, and you do not need to add this for each sender.

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