ZAPIER + Google Sheets
- Visit
- Once the page is loaded, Click Connect these Apps.
- Choose the Event on which you want to create a task on Tookan.
- On the next step, you will be asked to Sign-in into Google Spreadsheet.
- Once everything works you will be asked to Test & Continue.
- Now, Set Event for Tookan i.e. which task to be created (P&D or Appointment).
- You will be asked to connect Tookan using your V1 API Key (Access Token).
- Now, it is time to map the values i.e. the data to be fetched from your platform to Tookan.
- All set, Click Continue then Test & Continue.
ZAPIER + Google Forms
- Visit
- Once the page is loaded, Click Connect these Apps.
- Choose the Event on which you want to create a task on Tookan.
- On the next step, you will be asked to Sign-in to Google Forms.
- Once everything works you will be asked to Test & Continue.
- Now, Set Event for Tookan i.e. which task to be created (P&D or Appointment).
- You will be asked to connect Tookan using your V1 API Key (Access Token).
- Now, it is time to map the values i.e. the data to be fetched from your platform to Tookan.
- All set, Click Continue then Test & Continue.
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