If payments are enabled in your Tiger marketplace, you need to define a minimum transaction size—in other words, the smallest amount that an item can be purchased for. PayPal charges a fee for each transaction so does Stripe, and this fee always includes a fixed amount (for instance, in USD, PayPal’s minimum fee is $0.30). The minimum transaction size must be at least equal to PayPal’s and or Stripe’s minimum fee depending on if you have one or both enabled. Additionally, if you want to define a minimum transaction fee for your marketplace, it cannot be higher than the minimum transaction size.
Below is a list of the allowed minimum transaction sizes for different currencies:
ARS: 20
AUD: 0.5
BRL: 0.5
CAD: 0.5
CHF: 1
CZK: 15
DKK: 5
EUR: 0.5
GBP: 0.5
HKD: 5
HUF: 100
ILS: 2
INR: 50
JPY: 50
MXN: 5
MYR: 200
NOK: 5
NZD: 0.5
PHP: 20
PLN: 2
RUB: 15
SEK: 5
SGD: 1
THB: 15
TWD: 15
USD: 0.5
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