One can configure your marketplace’s search to search based on keyword, location or both.
Where does the search find from?
Tiger’s keyword search finds from the following fields (in order of preference):
- Listing title
- Listing description
- Text listing field contents
- Category of the listing
- Location of the listing (street name, zip code, city name)
- First and last name of the user who posted the listing
- Username of the person who posted the listing
How are the search results sorted?
When a user performs a search, we sort the results based on how relevant they are to that specific search term. We use our own algorithm to decide on the relevancy. Listings that have the keyword in the title have more weight than listings that have it in the description, etc.
The search box is not meant to find only exact matches, instead it’s more like “find listings that matches at least partially and then sort by relevance”.
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