In Tiger we have multiple order types for each use case . These are a specific order type to sell products ,to rent a product and offer services .A admin can at any given time can have multiple order types in a single platform as well as can define in which category which order type is going to be used.
To start with the use case where offering a service is involved and appointment base workflow is required we have an order type known as offering sessions .As the name suggests this order type is very useful in use cases where the platform is purely going to be used for offering service in appointment form .
In this order type admin has the liberty to choose the number of hours consisting of an appointment for example a single appointment can be of two hours or an hour depending upon the preferences.
Same goes with the buyer as they can select the slot they want .
The main attraction of this feature is inventory function through which admin can control the number of bookings for a single session.
In order to select this order type, the admin needs to follow these steps :
1. Go to the admin dashboard
2. Scroll down to Configure Order types
3. Click on Add new order type and select Offering sessions from the drop down
4 In the next page select per session availability for calendar and SAVE
5. Now if a merchant would want to extend his services, it can be done by creating a listing under such an order type.
6. Once a listing is created under this order type, service provider can specify his availability by setting his available days and time slots
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