Google APIs enabling

Google APIs enables

If you want to integrate Google Apps with your marketplace, you can do that using Google APIs. To do that, you need to have an account with Google Cloud Platform.

  1. Head to Google Console Cloud:

  2. Create a new project by clicking the button ‘First Project’.

  3. Create New Project by clicking on the button.

  4. Name your project as API or any app that you want to integrate. Here, we have named it ‘Google Map APIs’ and click on Create.

  5. Your created project looks like this.

  6. On the right panel, click on APIs & Services.

  7. Next, click on Credentials and then the ‘create Credentials’ option.

  8. Choose API Key as option once you click on Create Credentials.

  9. Your API Key will be generated. Click on Close.

  10. Next, Go To Library that looks like this.

  11. Click on View All for Maps.

  12. Choose the service you wish to enable. If you have created the key for your website, click on the Map JavaScript API.

  13. Click On ‘Enable’ to integrate Google API with your website.


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