Create your store in 5 easy steps :
You may manage your online store from
In order to start receiving your very first order, you need to select the home category
- click on add product option.
- Add your product Name (i.e Caramel Delight)
- Add your product Description (i.e choose to embrace the comforting warmth of our hot Caramel Delight or savour the refreshing chill of our iced version; every sip will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving more)
- Add Price of your product (i.e Rs 80)
- Price type (i.e Person, Pound, Day, Fixed)
- Following this, you’ll see a list of product categories from which you can choose whether currently, your product is available or not.
- On the right side of your page. You can browse product images from your computer or you can also search them from the Internet.
- To save all the completed information, select Save Product.
To get started with your store you need to enter your store’s full address and unique brand logo to have it automatically update on your website.
- To fill out store details, click on the setup store.
- Add your store name (i.e Foodie)
- Add your store address (i.e Sector 32 B, Chandigarh, India)
- Add the store slug. (i.e
- Add your store description.( i.e At [Your Restaurant Name], where delectable tastes and a welcoming atmosphere are combined, revel in perfection. To enjoy coffee to a higher level, try our exquisite Caramel Coffee).
- From the right side of your page, you can browse product logo from your computer
- To save all the completed information, select Save Product.
Now you need to add domain, as domain is essential for establishing a strong online presence, building trust with customers, and facilitating the growth of your store in the digital landscape.
- Select “add on domains, “Select a memorable and simple URL that connects customers to your website using Domain.
- You can find the option to buy or connect to your existing domain.
STEP: 4 By setting up payment option, you can accept cash payments from customers or you can connect online payment methods. You can easily connect your preferred payment gateway.- Click on the setup payment option.
- Here, you have the option to activate your account or connect with an existing one.
- Activate your account: To activate your account, follow these 5 steps.
1. Personal Information:
Enter your personal information for payment account creation.
- Enter your business name (i.e Foodie)
- Add your mail id (i.e
- Add your Phone number
- Add your address line 1 (i.e sector-32, Chandigarh, Punjab)
- Following that add your state, city, and pin code.
- Then, select next
2. Business Information
To create a payment account, enter the necessary business information.
- choose your business type first (e.g. private limited).
- select your business category (i.e food)
- Enter your Cin (Customer Identification Number): Cin: 1234567890
- Add Business PAN (Permanent Account Number) ID:
- Business PAN ID: ABCDE1234F
- click on submitSTEP:5
select “create first order” and click on “visit store”
- This will direct you to the user interface.
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