City Level Configuration

City Level Configuration

Merchants can also configure the orders based on the city level and geo-fencing in Yelo. This will help merchants to target the customers in a specific location and they can also set up the charges and taxes accordingly.

Here is how to do it: 

  1. Log in to the Yelo admin dashboard, where you can see your monthly sales, revenue and orders.City Level Configuration
  2. Find the Configure option on the sidebar.City Level Configuration
  3. Click on Configure and then General Settings. Under General Settings, find the Preferences option.City Level Configuration
  4. Scroll down and toggle the ‘Configure City’ button on.City Level Configuration
  5. Now, you will have a new option on the right side of the dashboard, ‘City Config’.City Level Configuration
  6. Click On Geofence, and a new page will appear. Click on ‘Add Geofence’.City Level Configuration


  7. Here, set up the region and mark down the geo-fence. Click on Save.City Level Configuration
  8. Next, click on Manage cities to Add city.City Level Configuration
  9. A new dialogue box will appear. Add the relevant details as given. You can also set the fixed charges or dynamic charges depending on the location.City Level Configuration
  10. Click on Save to add the city level configuration.City Level Configuration
  11. Next, you can link the city to the Grocery store. Head to the list of Grocery stores and scroll down.City Level Configuration
  12. Scroll down and find the option for ‘Link City’. Choose the city and click Save.City Level Configuration


    Now, you have set up the city for your Grocery store.

  13. Merchants can also set promo codes and discounts for the particular geo-fence. To do this, click on the Marketing tab and select Promotions.City Level Configuration
  14. Click on Promo codes, and a new promotion page will appear.City Level Configuration
  15. Click on Add Promotion, and a new box will appear. Fill in all the details. To add promotions to a specific city, click on Select City and then click on Save.City Level Configuration
  16. You can also set the tax and commission for the particular geo-location. Under the configure tab, find the order settings and click on ‘Taxes, Fees & Charges.’City Level Configuration
  17. Here, Click on Add to add fees and charges, if any. Select the location for which you want to set up the charges along with the Grocery store.City Level Configuration

    These are the simple steps in which merchants can do city level configuration.


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