FAQs Design/Themes

Design and Theme section FAQs

After updating my website domain, the footer links are no longer working.

Once you update your domain you must make changes in links that you’ve added in the content pages section under design in configure. 

So if your previously saved link is like www.XYZ.com/en/content/returnsrefundspolicy then you must change it with the new domain name, hence replacing XYZ with a new name.

I want to enable the Chat feature for customers to chat with merchants before placing any order.

Go to Configure>Layout> under Visibility to customers option you can turn on the ‘Allow customers to chat with merchants before Placing Orders’ toggle on.

Chat Icon

The logo is not visible In the footer section?

In order to resolve this concern go to Configure >> Design >> Themes >> Customise >> Choose footer module in dropdown >> Click Footer >> Scroll and add your required logo. Click on save and the updates should reflect once you refresh the website. 

Can we translate content pages?

With the current workflow, content pages cannot be translated and will only be shown in 1 language.

How can I make changes in themes?

Configure >> Design >> Themes >> Enable theme library >> Click on explore >> Create a new theme >> Save >> a new option will be shown just above the theme explore option for editing theme >> click on edit >> a new page for editing HTML code will appear >> You  can edit the code and save.
Check out this link for more information.

Cannot see text on the header.

For issue resolution Go to Configure >> Design >> Layout >> Change Header Color & Header elements color >> Save

We recommend you choose contrasting colors in both sections for better clarity and readability to the user.

How can I add a custom landing page with Yelo?

If you have a customized landing page, you have to ensure that you have a button on it which could redirect to the Yelo platform.

Then you would have to attach the store listing page link of Yelo with it.

Store closed description is not coming on the store page?

This may occur when some theme is enabled.

Please go to Configure >> Design >> Themes >> Disable Themes Library & check.

How can I edit the landing page for my website?

To edit the landing page you can follow either of the following steps according to your requirement.

  1. You can go to your dashboard >> configure >> Design >> Landing Page For Website
  2. You can also use themes to customize your landing page

Merchant store colors are not applied to apps

This issue is app-specific, in case you have the Native mobile application; We would like to inform you that in the native application the background color and rating bar do not change. The changes in the background color & rating bar you make in the admin dashboard will not affect your native app.

I can’t change header color and background color on the web

On the dashboard, go to configure >> Design >> Layout click on the field for which you want to add/change the color and change the color using the first two sliders, the third slider is for the intensity of color but it can cause an error sometime hence we suggest you not to use it.

Also, you can visit the below-provided link for exact color codes. https://www.color-hex.com/

My customers are unable to see text on the header of the website.

You can choose contrasting colors in both sections for better clarity.

Under Configure >> Design >> Layout >> Change Header Color & Header elements color and click on save.

How to update my UI in a hybrid app?

In Configure >> Design >> Layout >> Enable the toggle to update UI in hybrid apps.

Once you enable the toggle it will update the UI (user interface)of your application automatically.

I’ve created one Merchant Store content page but it is not getting displayed on the store profile?

The store pages ( grocery store pages) will work when you create the URL under this feature and put that URL to the respected store’s configuration under this option

After saving this URL to the above option,  hard refresh the platform, the content you added to the URL will be visible on that store.

We see a Yelo reference cookies policy on the admin dashboard https://jungleworks.co/privacy-policy/. We want a white-listed cookies footer.

For the issue of the cookies link, we suggest you turn on the terms & conditions generator in the integrations part of your dashboard. Attaching a screenshot for reference.

Terms and conditions generator yelo

How can I edit the landing page for my website?

To edit the landing page you can follow either of the following steps according to your requirement.

  1. You can go to your dashboard >> configure >> Design >> Landing Page For Website
  2. You can also use themes to customize your landing page

How can I set a Content Page for the store?

You can create a static content page for the store which would be redirected when a store is clicked on a store listing page.

store content page

Under Designs, you can create a Store/Merchant Content page and copy its URL into Merchants configuration.

Now whenever this store would be clicked, the content page would be opened.

Can customers see the location of merchants in maps on the Ordering platform?
You can enable the customers to view the location of stores on a map inside the Yelo platform. For this, you should have GoogleMaps/ flightmap integrated with Yelo.
To enable this go to

Configure >> Design >> Layout >> Enable toggle of “Show Merchants On The Map”

Show Merchants On The Map


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