Configure Order Preparation Time in Marketplace

Configure Order Preparation Time in Marketplace


Merchants can set the order preparation time and notify their customers about the same using Yelo. This is one of the best options for a restaurant marketplace, which lets them set the order preparation time depending on the demand and availability.


  1.  Log in to the Yelo admin dashboard, where you can see your monthly sales, revenue and orders.
  2. Click on Merchants on the left side of the dashboard, and a merchant list will appear. Here, we have taken Grocery Stores as a reference.
  3. Click on the merchant store that you want to set an order time slot for.
  4. Choose the ‘Configuration’ tab and scroll down the page.
  5. Here, you will find the option ‘Order Preparation Time’. Set the order preparation time in minutes. Click on Update.
  6. Merchants can also edit the order time before accepting the order. This might depend on the different types of order and order preparation time. In the Orders tab, find the recent orders.
  7. Click On Order ID and scroll down the page. You can edit the orders depending on the time for preparation.
  8. Click on Submit, and the customer will receive the notification for the order preparation time on their app.


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