Task Fields Visibility  

Task Fields Visibility  

We have introduced a new feature that allows users to customize the fields required for creating tasks on our platform. This update empowers users to tailor the task creation process to better suit their specific needs and workflows.

To ensure that essential information is always captured, we have designated two fields as mandatory for creating tasks:

  • Address: This field is crucial for specifying the location where the task needs to be carried out.
  • Time: This field ensures that the timing of the task is clearly communicated.

Optional Fields for Task Creation :

Understanding that different tasks may require different types of information, we have made the following fields optional:

  • Name: Allows users to specify the name of the person responsible for the task.
  • Email: The Email field is used for updating task statuses to the customer.
  • Phone: Offers a direct line of communication for immediate queries or updates.
  • Job Description: Gives a detailed description of the task to be performed.
  • Reference Images (Ref Images): Allows users to attach images relevant to the task for better clarity and understanding.

Follow these simple steps to enable and configure this feature:

  1. Login to your Tookan account.
  1. From the side menu bar, click on settings and go to the Web App Editor screen and then click on edit form.                                                                                      
  1. In the web app form, we can see the “Task Field Visibility” field. Turn  this toggle on.
  1. In the configuration popup that opens, select the fields you want to make visible while creating the task. Click on the update button.
  1. Now customers can only view the selected fields while creating the task.

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