Tookan Customer App || How to add Promo code?

The process of setting up Promotion/Promo Code on Tookan Customer App is fairly easy and can be done in a matter of minutes.

Here’s a step by step guide on setting up the promotion on Tookan Customer App:

Side Menu >Settings >Customer Apps >Promotions >Add Promotion

Section A : Details

Scope –

There are two types of Scope –
i) Limited (Type – COUPON) : Limited means the promo that you are creating can only be applied within a defined scope. It will not be shown automatically in the customer apps to all the customers using your business. Instead, you will be creating a coupon code keeping its scope as limited and then will be sharing these referral codes to specific customers via emails or sms. Then these customers will apply these coupons while creating a task and will be getting some amount off as set by the admin . 

ii) Global  (Type – PROMOTION): Global means that its scope will be global. All the customers that are using your app will be able to view this promo code. The customer just needs to apply the Promo Code and then they will be getting some amount off as set by the admin. 

Short Description –
As the name signifies , it’s the short description for the promo code. (Visible on the customer App)

Long Description –
It’s the long description for the promo code .

Section B : Promotion Settings

Coupon Code

It’s the name of your coupon code. This Code can be applied to the customer app for any discount.

Type : There are four types of promo / coupons you can create : 

a) Flat Off : It means you will get a particular amount flat off from your fare . Ex : Say you created a coupon/promo for Flat off $15 and say your task fare came out to me  $50. Then after applying the promo your Final Fare will come as $50 – $15 = $35 . 

b) Percent Off : It means you will get a discount for the fare in percentage.  Ex :  Let’s assume you created a coupon/promo for Percent off 50% and say your task fare came out to be $100. Then, after applying the promo, your Final Fare will come as $100 – $50 (50% of the total fare i.e 100 in this case )  = $50 . 

c) Free Credits : Assume you created a promo/coupon for free credits by entering amount 25. Customer created a task by applying this promo/coupon and the bill of the customer came out to be $100. 

-In this scenario, the customer will be charged a complete $100 for that task. But once the task is completed he will be credited $25 in his account .

The next time he will create a task, those credits will be used. For instance, he creates a new task which costs $50 and as he was having $25 as credits , so $25 credits will be applied automatically and the fare would be $25. 

d)  Free Tasks : If you create a promo/coupon for this promo type and the customer applies this promo. Then his complete fare is 0. Ex : Fare is $100. Therefore, on applying the specific coupon so a discount ( 100% of the fare ) . So actual Fare is $100 – $100 = $0 

Section C : Date and Time

Start :
In this field, you will enter the Start date and time from which the promo/coupon will be valid. 

End : In this field, you will enter the End  date and time until which the promo/coupon will be valid.

Ex : Say you entered Start Date and Time as  29 June 12:15 PM and End Date and Time as  01 Aug 12:15 PM and created a promo/ coupon . 

Coupon : If you try applying that Coupon  before Start Time or after End Time , it will give an error .

Promo : It will only be shown in the app in between the start time and end time .

Section D :Usage

Maximum Times a Promotion Can be Used ( In Total ) :
It restricts the maximum time the promotion can be used . That is, you entered the value as 10 . So in Total the promo/coupon  can be used only 10 times .
0 means, no limitation on promo code usage

Maximum Usage per Customer :
It restricts how many times a particular customer can use a specific promo/coupon. For instance, you entered the value as 2. So a specific customer can use  promo/coupon only twice.

Ex-  Maximum Times a Promotion Can be Used ( In Total ) : 10
Maximum Usage per Customer: 2
In this case 5 different customers can use this promo /coupon 2 times each after that promo/coupon will be invalid to use.

Check this video for reference

In conclusion, you can set the promotion to to attract more users to your Tookan Customer App very easily.
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