Handling Cash payouts is really simple. We can use an agent wallet and set up the configuration. Once you set the configuration of the agent wallet, it is good to go.
You can seamlessly manage the cash flow and monitor the agents collecting cash easily.
What does Enable Pricing do?
Pricing once enabled in the wallet, records all the transactions corresponding to each task. The pricing will add or deduct from the wallet depending upon the settings that you choose i.e. Debit From Wallet

Managing Cash Payouts
- Disable – Debit From Wallet: If you disable Debit from the wallet ,
- the amount will add in the agent wallet for each task as per the pricing amount of the task.
- We have to set a Threshold Value for this.
- The threshold value is the limit amount once reached by the agent’s wallet will not allow any further task notifications to be received by the agent. Admin/Manager has to debit the amount from the agent wallet on the dashboard manually.
- Following which agents will be able to get the new task notification again.
- This can be the perfect solution for the use cases where the agent takes cash on delivery and has to deposit back the money after the amount is collected (threshold amount in our case).
- Enable – Debit From Wallet: In this case, the admin/manager has to add some amount in the wallet for each agent. The amount deducted from the wallet for each task as per the pricing amount. Once the amount reaches Zero or Less, the agent won’t receive any further task notifications unless the admin/manager adds the more amount in the wallet.
Tookan is empowering all types of businesses. So, having the cash payouts managed is also taken care of here.
Check out the video for the reference.
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