Hippo Extension

Hippo is a simple and easy-to-use chat platform for sales and support, available for mobile and web. With Hippo, you can empower your support team to work together and resolve customer issues instantly. Here’s how you can set up Hippo for your online store.

  • Click on the Extensions icon on the top right corner of the admin dashboard
  • Click on the More button
  • In the Extensions page, toggle the Hippo extension and click on Go to Dashboard

After you click on Go to Dashboard, you’ll be redirected to the Hippo Dashboard. Follow these steps to set up the extension for your store:

  • Sign up with your email address and create a password
  • In the Hippo dashboard, click on the Setup Guide icon on the left sidebar menu
  • Copy your account key and click on the Business Profile Link button
  • Create your own business profile link and click on Installation button
  • Choose the platform you want to integrate the Hippo Messenger on

You can also define settings for your sales and support platform by clicking on the Settings icon in the left sidebar menu of your Hippo dashboard. To monitor the analytics of your chat platform, go to the Analytics page in the left sidebar. Here, you can track everything from received chats to new open chats. You can also monitor volume trends and agent feedback from customers. Go to the Hippo Bot page to enable Hippo Bot to help you to engage visitors and convert them into leads while your team is busy with other customers.

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