Promo Codes set are editable. You can edit them anytime as per the market trends. Here is the list of parameters you need to define while setting up a new or editing an existing promo code.
Promotion Type
Promotion Type is an option to choose between a percentage discount and a flat discount.
If you choose a percentage discount, the promotion discount will be calculated in percentage on the subtotal of the cart when the customer places an order selecting the promotion code.
If you choose a flat discount, the promotion discount will be calculated as a flat discount on the subtotal of the cart.
Promotion Name
Promotion Name is the name of the promo code which consists of letters and numbers. This is the code that is displayed in customer apps. By selecting a promo code, the customer can avail of promotional discounts on their order.
Discount in promotional code describes the discount provided to the customer on the subtotal of his cart on selecting the promo code.
If Promotion Type is PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT, the discount will be calculated in percentage on subtotal of the cart.
If the Promotion Type is FLAT DISCOUNT, then the flat discount will be given to the customer.
This is the description to be shown in customer apps under the promo code. It can describe the promo code to the customer.
For instance- PROMO CODE- “DISCOUNT20”
The Promo description can be “20% discount can be avail on your orders”.
From & Till
In promotional code defines the starting date from which the promotional code is valid. Admin can create a promotional code in advance and set the starting date from which he wants to start using that promo code in customer apps.
Till defines the ending date of the promotional code. After the ending date, that promotional code will no longer be availed by the customer.
Maximum Discount Value
If the promotion type is a percentage discount, then only Maximum Discount Value is applicable.
The promotional discount calculated on the subtotal of the cart user can avail while placing an order cannot exceed the maximum discount value.
Admin can leave this field empty if he does not want to restrict the customer to the maximum discount value.
Maximum No Of Allowed User(s)
It defines the maximum number of users who can avail of the Promotional Discount. If an admin wants to restrict the number of users who can avail of the discount, he can update the same value here. If he does not wish to restrict the number of users availing of this promotional code, he can leave this blank and by default, that promo code is available to every customer.
Minimum Order Amount
The minimum order amount is the minimum value of the cart for which the promotional discount can be avail.
Admin can leave this field empty if he does not want to restrict the customer to the minimum order amount. In this case, any customer can avail of the discount on any cart value.
For instance, Minimum order value is 100 and the customer’s cart value is 50, then the promotional discount cannot be avail. But when a customer’s cart value equals to or above 100, then only he is able to avail the promotional discount.
Allow Single User To Use The Code Multiple Times
This value defines whether the same customer can use a promotional code multiple times or not. If the admin chooses YES, then a promotional code can be used any number of times but if the admin chooses NO, the customer can then use that promotional code only a single time.
Hide Promotion Code From Website
This value refers to whether the promotion code be shown in customer apps or not. If the admin chooses YES, then it will not be shown in the custom apps and the customer has to manually type the promotional code to avail discounts. But if the admin chooses NO, then it will be shown to customers and customers can choose the promotional code from there.
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