Can merchant subscription plans be edited?
Yes. To edit an already existing merchant subscription plan, go to the Merchant page under User Settings and scroll to the bottom. Click on the “⋯” icon to make changes to the subscription plan.

What are the mandatory fields when creating a merchant subscription plan?
The mandatory fields when creating a merchant subscription plan include subscription name, subscription amount, duration, and renew subscription reminder.

Can subscription plans be auto assigned to merchants?
To enable this feature, enable the Auto Assign toggle when creating a merchant subscription plan.

How to delete a subscription plan?
Click on “⋯” icon next to the subscription plan name and click on Delete to delete a subscription plan.

Can subscription plan selection be made mandatory for customers?
Yes. To enable this, click on the Mandatory toggle under the Customer Subscription section of the Customer page in User Settings subhead.

Can subscription plans be auto assigned to customers?
To enable this feature, enable the Auto Assign toggle when creating a customer subscription plan.

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