As an admin or merchant, you might need to charge taxes on your sales, and then report and remit those taxes to your government. In Yelo you can set up and charge taxes to address unique tax laws and situations.
Please note: Yelo doesn’t file or remit your sales taxes for you. You might need to register your business with your local or federal tax authority to handle your sales tax. You should always check with a local tax authority or a tax accountant to make sure that you charge your customers the correct sales tax rates, and to make sure you file and remit the taxes correctly.
In this article, you will learn about the type of taxes that you can add with Yelo. Yelo enables the admin to add two types of taxes:
1. Marketplace level taxes
Marketplace-level tax is added, updated, and deleted by the admin. Tax charges are payable by the customer and are added to the order value during checkout. The taxes can be applied to either a product, delivery, or the marketplace.
How to create a marketplace tax?
To add a marketplace tax admin must go to:
Yelo admin dashboard>>Configure>>Order Settings>>Taxes Fees and Charges>>Marketplace Level Taxes>>Click “Add” to add a tax
Types of marketplace taxes
Marketplace taxes are of three types:
- Product: This tax charge is applied to a product in the catalog and is added to the order amount only when the product on which this tax is applied is added to the cart. To create this tax go to the:
Yelo admin dashboard>>Configure>>Order Settings>>Taxes Fees and Charges>>Marketplace Level Taxes>>Click “Add” to add a tax>>Enter tax details>>Select “Product”option in “TAX APPLIED ON” drop-down box>>Submit
The tax is added and is enabled by default. You can disable this tax by sliding the status toggle to the left.
Now go to the marketplace catalog and edit a product on which this tax you wish to apply. In the edit dialog box, you will see a box for Taxes. Enter the name of the tax you just created and select the tax from the suggested list. Kindly refer to the screenshots below:

The tax will be visible on the checkout screen when the customer will added the product to which this is applied.

- Delivery: To charge a delivery fee on your marketplace, you can create this tax. This tax charge is added to the subtotal i.e total of all the items in the cart including product tax during the checkout. To create this tax go to the:
Yelo admin dashboard>>Configure>>Order Settings>>Taxes Fees and Charges>>Marketplace Level Taxes>>Click “Add” to add a tax>>Enter tax details>>Select “Delivery” option in “TAX APPLIED ON” drop-down box>>Submit
The tax is added and is enabled by default. You can disable this tax by sliding the status toggle to the left. To apply this fee/tax on orders of specific merchants choose a merchant in the “Assign merchants” field. Kindly refer to the screenshots below:

- Marketplace: As the name suggests, this tax charge is applied to the entire store/marketplace. This tax charge is calculated on/added to the subtotal amount i.e total of all the items in the cart including product tax if any during the checkout. To create this tax go to the:
Yelo admin dashboard>>Configure>>Order Settings>>Taxes Fees and Charges>>Marketplace Level Taxes>>Click “Add” to add a tax>>Enter tax details>>Select “Marketplace”option in “TAX APPLIED ON” drop-down box>>Submit
The tax is added and is enabled by default. You can disable this tax by sliding the status toggle to the left. To apply this fee/tax on orders of specific merchants choose a merchant in the “Assign merchants” field. Kindly refer to the screenshots below:

2. Merchant Level Taxes
Merchant-level tax is created for a merchant and can be added, updated, or deleted by the admin and the respective merchant. Like marketplace taxes, these taxes are payable by the customer and can be applied to either a product, delivery or the merchant’s store. The only difference is that these taxes are added to the order value during checkout only when a customer is placing an order with a merchant for whom these taxes are added in this section. You will find the option to create merchant-level taxes in a marketplace or brand business type.
To allow merchants to set their own taxes, fees and charges or edit the taxes created by the admin for their account, the admin must enable the same.
How to create a merchant level tax?
To add a merchant level tax admin must go to:
Yelo admin dashboard>>Configure>>Order Settings>>Taxes Fees and Charges>>Merchant Level Taxes>>Select a merchant from the merchant dropdown box>>Click “Add” to add a tax

Types of merchant level taxes
Like Marketplace level taxes, merchant-level taxes are also of three types:
- Product: This tax charge is applied to a product in the catalog of the merchant and is added to the order amount only when the product on which this tax is applied is added to the cart from the specific merchant. To create this tax go to the:
Yelo admin dashboard>>Configure>>Order Settings>>Taxes Fees and Charges>>Merchant Level Taxes>>Select a merchant>>Click “Add” to add a tax>>Enter tax details>>Select “Product”option in “TAX APPLIED ON” drop-down box>>Submit
The tax is added and is enabled by default. You can disable this tax by sliding the status toggle to the left.
Now go to the merchant’s catalog and edit a product on which this tax you wish to apply. In the edit dialog box, you will see a box for Taxes. Enter the name of the tax you just created and select the tax from the suggested list. The merchant if permitted can also add/edit this tax to any product in the catalog.
- Delivery: To charge a delivery fee on orders of any specific merchant, you can create this tax. This tax charge is added to the subtotal i.e total of all the items in the cart including product tax, if any during the checkout only when the order is being placed from the specific merchant. To create this tax go to the:
Yelo admin dashboard>>Configure>>Order Settings>>Taxes Fees and Charges>>Merchant Level Taxes>>Select a merchant>>Click “Add” to add a tax>>Enter tax details>>Select “Delivery”option in “TAX APPLIED ON” drop-down box>>Submit
The tax is added and is enabled by default. You can disable this tax by sliding the status toggle to the left. The merchant if permitted can also add/edit this tax from the merchant dashboard.
- Merchants: This tax charge is applied to the entire merchant’s store. This tax charge is calculated on/added to the subtotal amount i.e total of all the items in the cart including product tax if any during the checkout only when the order is being placed from the specific merchant. To create this tax go to the:
Yelo admin dashboard>>Configure>>Order Settings>>Taxes Fees and Charges>>Merchant Level Taxes>>Select a merchant>>Click “Add” to add a tax>>Enter tax details>>Select “Merchants” option in “TAX APPLIED ON” drop-down box>>Submit
The tax is added and is enabled by default. You can disable this tax by sliding the status toggle to the left. The merchant if permitted can also add/edit this tax from the merchant dashboard.
Kindly refer to the screenshots below:

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