Capacity Management Extension
Capacity management extension lets you define the capacity of your fleet. When you configure the extension, you must define a default capacity for the fleet. This default capacity will act as the default available capacity for each agent when they are not assigned any task and will automatically decrease by the value of capacity associated with each task they accept. Once an agent completes the task, the capacity will be added back to the available capacity.
How does it work?
You must define task capacity while creating a task. The system will then map the task capacity defined with agents who have sufficient capacity available at that time. Tasks will be auto-allocated to agents satisfying sufficient capacity criteria. If you want to have different capacities for different agents, you can edit individual agents and change their capacity.
Agents can check their total and current variable capacity from the agent app. Total and available capacity is updated with every task for both admin and agent!
In case of manual assignment, the admin can assign tasks to its agents irrespective of their available capacity but the agent will be able to start the task only when he/she has the available capacity to serve that task. If they don’t have sufficient current capacity then the agent has to complete existing tasks first to free up capacity in order to accept new tasks.
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