How to Integrate Grameenphone with Tookan to connect with your customers?

Integrate Grameenphone with Tookan, to connect with your customers.

Grameenphone offers a range of SMS solutions and services that suit the needs and consumption patterns of different business sectors and companies. 

These solutions include multiple packages that meet the requirements of the sectors and are directed to the nature and characteristics of the business. 

Innovation and agility are the main drivers that enable Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to grow. 

Today, Grameenphone offers SMS bundles, connectivity and dedicated cloud solutions to equip SMEs with the tools needed to face their challenges head-on.

The Tookan integration with Grameenphone streamlines the end-to-end ordering and delivery processes. Now you can automatically send Grameenphone to your Tookan account directly and start dispatching, tracking, and managing the deliveries to be fulfilled out in the field.

The integration process is very simple and takes only a few minutes to set up. Here’s a step by step guide:

Step 1: 

Activate Grameen phone from Tookan Extensions

Step 2:

Add the details and submit

Above all, to get the Grameenphone username, password and cli, you can follow the following steps carefully.

How to fetch Username, password and Cli?

Step 1:

Firstly, log in to Grameenphone Sms Gateway Platform.

Integrate Grameenphone with Tookan

Step 2: 

Secondly, get your username, password, cli and country code. Activate the GRAMEENPHONE Sms Gateway by entering the details.

Integrate Grameenphone with Tookan

Step 3:

Whitelist Tookan’s IP( and you are ready to use GRAMEENPHONE Sms GateWay.  

Integrate Grameenphone with Tookan


However, once you are done adding the username, password and Cli to tookan. You are good to go.

In addition, Tookan and Grameenphone can help you automate the entire order and delivery process without the need for extensive tools. The best thing about integrating these platforms is that they offer complete customisations for your business to scale higher. 

If you want to discuss your queries with our experts then please join the Jungleworks Community.  You can Also check other amazing articles on Tookan Knowledge Base  

To know more about Tookan SMS Gateway Extensions

Thank you for reading our article about how to Integrate Grameenphone with Tookan.

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