One of the most crucial requirements for the food and grocery business is the segregation of the veg and nonveg products. If the Veg only filter is enabled, then you can mark your products Veg and nonveg. Follow the steps to enable the Veg only filter:-
- Go to dashboard> Configure> Order Settings> Catalog.
- Scroll to the Veg only filter and enable the filter.
- Now you can assign it to the Products.
Overriding Veg only filters at Merchant:- After enabling at the merchant level, you can also configure it at the merchant level. To configure at the merchant level, follow the steps:-
- Once the Veg only filter is enabled in the catalog section under the subhead of order settings in the configure. Go to the merchants in the general area.
- Click on the merchant name for whom you want to configure the Veg only filter.
- Go to the configuration.
- Scroll down to the veg/non veg status and edit the group at the merchant level.
Apply Veg only filter on a product. To apply the Veg only filter on an existing product, go to the catalog and click on edit product in the horizontal eclipse next to the product name. A popup with the product information will open, scroll down, and enable the Veg only filter. You can also apply the Veg only filter to new products while adding the Product.
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