I Want The Tasks To Be Assigned 30 Mins Before The Task Time.

If you want the Tasks To Be Assigned 30 mins before Enable Automatic barcode extension and customize the bill through Settings > Preferences > Edit format of bill. Export bill for task from dashboard by clicking on it. Refer to video

Know more about auto assigning of task on Tookan

Know more about task assignment

Select the Unassigned tab to directly assign the task to the agent.

– Click on ‘Assign Agent’’ button on the task tile.
– consequently A popup would appear and you could choose from the drop down,

list of idle agents that appear.

-Click on the name of the desired agent, as a result, unassigned task automatically gets assigned to him/ her.

2. Auto Allocation

Automatically assign your tasks in Tookan using the Auto Assignment feature.

consequently To enable/disable Auto Allocation

go to Menu > Settings > Account Setup > Auto Allocation.
The auto assignment is done based on two parameters:
– firstly Nearest agent (based on displacement)
– secondly Available agent (based on the time slot)


hence, Based on your business requirement, you can set the push notification which is sent to the agents,

in one of the following ways:

firstly ONE BY ONE
Request goes to one agent (nearest & available) first consequently if the timer runs out or if the agent declines the task, consequently it goes to the second best option.

secondly SEND TO ALL
The request is sent to all the available agents. as a result whosoever accepts/ acknowledges the task first will receive it . thus making it easy to assign tasks.

Hope you liked our Article about Tasks To Be Assigned 30 Mins Before The Task Time.

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