If Agents have to be divided, Yes this is possible, we have freelancer module where you can specify your freelancer agents, you can add agent as a part of you team, or set team only for the free lancer and set different rule and managers for them and on merchant side also you can have merchants on dashboards and they can have there own teams.
Please watch the video
You can know more about Agent App settings
To change the agent app settings in Tookan , you can go to Tookan dashboard > settings > agent app .
For more reference you can check this video for reference :
agent app settings will enable or disable various functionalities.
used for the agents where agent can acknowledge the receipt of the task
or accept or decline a task based on the selection.
App milestones
Reduce the number of milestones required to complete a task.
basic milestones include start, arrive, successful.
Task fail/cancel reason
This configuration enables you to give a set of predefined reasons
which can be selected by the Agent when they mark a task as failed or cancelled.
Successful Distance Restriction
This setting allows the Agents to mark the task ‘successful’ only when they are within a certain distance from the stop location.
Cancel Task Limit
This setting limits the Agent to mark the task ‘Cancelled’. Agent cannot mark the task ‘Cancelled’ if they reach the limit.
To configure the agent app as per your requirements, you can check the various options on the dashboard.

This setting limits the Agent to mark the task ‘Failed’. Agent cannot mark the task ‘Failed’ if they reach the limit.
therefore there are many such functionalities available
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