Merchant (hairdressers) are also the agents (deliverer of service)?
The merchants that you are adding to Yelo are also providing service, these merchants can be added as agents to the Tookan as when the jobs comes in and they can recieve the job on tookan and do the job this is where the usecase is that the agents go to the customer to deliver the services.
Know more about Merchants on Tookan
Merchant extension helps in onboarding and managing merchants on the Tookan platform where they can have their own marketplaces and on the other hand onboard new Drivers.
For a quick tor regarding the merchant extension, click here.
Our Merchant extension in the tookan platform helps you onboard and manage merchants on your platform and similarly, the merchants can have their own marketplaces from where they can receive orders from the end customers.
The merchants are on-boarded under the admin and moreover will have access to their own dashboard to manage their agents, tasks, and business operations.
Besides, Admin has full access to all the details and activities taking place on the merchant dashboard. Steps to Onboard a Merchant –
1. Activate merchant extension option from the Extensions in the tookan platform.
2. On the admin dashboard Go to Settings > Access Control > Add role for merchants
likewise, Add the relevant permissions you want to assign to the merchants and save.
Hope you liked the article about merchant and agent (deliverer of service)
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