You push the start tookan tasks slider once you have started the task. Please keep in mind that once you have pushed the slider towards start your admin and customer will be notified and will be able to track your position. To read the complete task journey click here.
Accept Or Decline Tookan Tasks
Once a new task comes on the Tookan App, the admin assigns a task to the available Service Provider on-duty. It is either automated or manual.
If you receive the task notification, upon opening the app, you can select either the Accept or Decline option, based on whether or not you wish to take up the job. So you may or may not be able to Accept or Decline a task.
Task Completion
You receive a task on the app which you accept or decline.
If the agent declines the task, the app switches to a normal view
If the agent accepts the task, you swipe towards “start the task”
The task details will now be available to you, including the name of the concerned person, address, contact information and destination location.
Once the task begins, you proceed to the task location, for example, a delivery task. You can navigate through the enabled choice of maps(Read Navigation) and follow the directions to reach the delivery location.
Upon reaching the delivery location, collect the proof of delivery- this includes a digital signature that gets automatically saved on the device.
Post completing the due formalities swipe right towards “Complete the task”The task is now complete.
For any other queries related to Tookan please refer to Tookan Helpdesk.
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