On the main page of your marketplace, if you have enabled multiple order types in your site, user will see “All listing types” drop down in the browse view. This dropdown lets buyers filter the listings based on the order type. If you are using the list view, you can […]
How Order Types Are Displayed To The Seller
To the seller, the order types are called “listing types”. The order types affect the seller’s experience when they post a new listing. When a seller creates a new listing they first choose which category they list in (if you have more than one category), and then which order type […]
What is Tiger?
Tiger is a peer-to-peer marketplace platform and can be used for renting, selling, offering services or even giving things away for free. With the help of order types, you can create a marketplace type that suits your needs. You can choose to accept online payments , cash or only facilitate […]
Setting up the Marketplace
What is the Get Started Guide? The Get Started Guide is the page that meets you every time you go to your admin panel. The guide includes steps that will kickstart your marketplace journey and should be done when you have created your marketplace. By doing them you get an […]
Is Tiger Multilingual? What languages does it support?
Is TIGER Multilingual? You can have your marketplace in as many languages you wish as long as we support them. Each marketplace has a default language. This language is shown to new users by default. The default language is the first one. What languages does Tiger support? Tiger currently […]
Configure The Search Functionality
One can configure your marketplace’s search to search based on keyword, location or both. Where does the search find from? Tiger’s keyword search finds from the following fields (in order of preference): Listing title Listing description Text listing field contents Category of the listing Location of the listing (street name, […]