If you choose to enable Stripe in your marketplace, you’ll then be able to collect a transaction fee from your Tiger platform. Providers will be able to receive money in their bank account and buyers will be able to pay by credit card. To get it working, you’ll need a […]
How Subscriptions work in TIGER
A subscription is an arrangement that allows the admin to create several subscription plans for their users. Most subscriptions require customers to agree to set terms and conditions. These terms and conditions may outline the length of the subscription, a renewal procedure, cancellation policy, payment terms, and usage or quantity […]
Per Hour with Calendar VS Per hour without Calendar
Tiger is a rental platform hence keeping that in mind we have Per hour order type linked up with calendar to make it more user friendly to use and manage the booking for sellers . But considering the situations where users want per hour as a unit we also have […]
How to get Facebook Pixel Code? – Tiger
Social media is key to driving more visitors and sales for your platform. If you can get your targeting, promotion, and messaging right you can see huge increases in interest and revenue for your brand. But it’s anything but easy to get right. Most people focus on Instagram and Facebook […]
Mail Chimp Integration
WHAT IS MAIL CHIMP ? Mailchimp is an all-in-one marketing platform that helps you manage and talk to your clients, customers, and other interested parties. In Tiger, mailchimp can be used to collect prospective user contact email or other required info to specifically target them ,using the tons of perspective […]
Setting up SEO in TIGER
There are lots of ways to market your business, but using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to rank highly in search engines like Google is one of the most powerful, highest Return on Investment methods to get more leads and sales. What is SEO? SEO, or search engine optimization, is the […]
Learn more about the Advertisement section
In this article we will discuss the Advertisement option present in Tiger admin dashboard and how you can use it . What can it be used for ? The advertisement option in tiger can be used in multiple unique ways but to capture the essence of true functionality we will […]
Setting up Promo Codes in Tiger
Promo codes are exclusive discount vouchers that can be redeemed by the customers during the checkout process. Promo codes in Tiger can be set up in a percentage form or in the form of flat promotions. To enable promo codes admin needs to follow the below steps: 1. Login in […]
Integrating Ship Engine with TIGER
ShipEngine helps businesses access deeply discounted rates across carriers, validate addresses, process and track shipments, and manage returns. Ship engine can be enabled by going to dashboard settings and adding ship engine API’s by enabling delivery system. Learn more about how Ship Engine works from the below tutorial
Introduction to Order Types
Order types represent the different transaction types that your marketplace offers. They determine how the order process works on your marketplace. It can for example be renting, selling or giving. You can decide whether your users are renting or selling, or perhaps just posting announcements and communicating via free messages. […]