Different ways of Task assignment on Tookan

Task assignment on Tookan to an agent can be done in three different ways:


Create a new task, by selecting any one of the following –

Create Task OR Bulk Import Tasks

  •  Fill in all the details in the Task creation form.
  •  Select a Team from the drop down.
  •  Choose one or multiple agents from ‘Assign agent’.
  •  Click on ‘Submit’ to save the task.
Task assignment on Tookan


  •  Click on Tasks in the left panel.
  •  Under Actions column, click on three dots and select Assign.
  •  Fill in the details and click on Submit to complete the action.


You could do assignment of a task to an agent from the top left side panel of the Tookan Dashboard also. Select the Unassigned tab to directly assign the task to the agent.

  •  Click on ‘Assign Agent’’ button on the task tile.
  •  A popup would appear and you could choose from the drop down, list of idle agents that appear.
  •  Click on the name of the desired agent, and the unassigned task automatically gets assigned to him/ her.

Auto Allocation

Automatically assign your tasks in Tookan using the Auto Assignment feature.

Steps :

go to Menu > Settings > Account Setup > Auto Allocation.
The auto assignment is done based on two parameters:
– firstly Nearest agent (based on displacement)
– secondly Available agent (based on the time slot)

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