Okta setup guide

Okta setup guide Setting up Okta for the first time involves several steps to ensure your identity management and single sign-on (SSO) solution is properly configured. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started: Step 1: Create an Okta Account 1. Sign Up for an Okta Account: A) Go […]

Bluetooth Printer and Auto Printing

Bluetooth Printer and Auto Printing We are excited to announce the launch of our new Bluetooth printer feature, designed to enhance the printing experience of orders on our platform. Previously, we only supported order printing via Sunmi printers. However, we have now removed these limitations, allowing users to utilize any […]

User Guide for Bluetooth Printer Functionality on IOS App

User Guide for Bluetooth Printer Functionality on IOS App   1. Configuring Printer Settings via Admin Panel Before starting with the Bluetooth printer setup on your IOS device, you need to configure the printer settings through the admin panel of your application. Access the Admin Panel: Open the admin panel […]

User Guide for Bluetooth Printer Functionality on Web

User Guide for Bluetooth Printer Functionality on Web 1. Configuring Printer Settings via Admin Panel Before starting with the Bluetooth printer setup on your web application, you need to configure the printer settings through the admin panel. Steps: Open the admin panel of your application. Navigate to Configure > Order […]

User Guide for Bluetooth Printer Functionality on Android App

User Guide for Bluetooth Printer Functionality on Android App   1. Configuring Printer Settings via Admin Panel Before starting with the Bluetooth printer setup on your Android device, you need to configure the printer settings through the admin panel of your application. Access the Admin Panel: Open the admin panel […]

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Store Pages on Yelo.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Store Pages on Yelo. Adding store pages on Yelo is a straightforward process. This guide will walk you through the steps to efficiently add store pages for the admin and merchant dashboards. Step 1: Log In to Your Yelo Admin Dashboard Access the Dashboard: Visit the […]


Add-ons From now onwards admin/merchant/manager can create Global add-ons for their merchants and assign them to multiple products. Earlier admins had to create product-specific add-ons. How to create Add-ons? Step 1: On the top of the catalogue page is a new Add-ons Button from which the admin/merchant/manager can create Global […]

How to set up the Bluetooth Printer with Yelo?

How to set up the Bluetooth Printer with Yelo? To set up the Bluetooth Printer, kindly follow the steps below: Step 1: Pairing Bluetooth Printer with Device To initiate, and ensure seamless printing of orders, begin by pairing your Bluetooth printer with your device. Activate the Bluetooth printer, ensuring it’s […]

How to Setup Taxes Based On Payment Method

Taxes Based On Payment Method In response to regional taxation requirements, our platform now dynamically adjusts taxes based on the chosen payment method. This ensures compliance with tax regulations and provides a seamless experience for both administrators and users. For example, in regions like Pakistan, where Value Added Tax (VAT) […]


ORDER FAILED WEBHOOK EVENT  Go to  Integration > Webhooks > Custom > Webhook Integration  Select EVENT as ORDER_FAILURE  Add your “webhook URL” and auth token There can be 3 types of failure events as 1) “payment window expires” 2) “invalid job request” 3) “task creation error” For this event, the […]