Heat Maps on Tookan

With Heat Maps on Tookan, agents can check live locations of their team members. Watch this video to learn how you can track their location

Know more about Agent App in Tookan

agent app on tookan is for agents to carry out their tasks and track their earnings. It has various features that facilitates ease of operations

agent app on tookan

we can have agents directly sign up on tookan

The Signup option on the agent app will allow the agents to register themselves directly on Tookan.
Agent Signup option is only available on the agent app if the agent app is branded or white-labeled.
To enable this option goto Extensions> Agent Sign-up> Enable

You can add custom templates for your sign up forms which agent needs to fill in before they can enter the agent app. Admin can reject, accept or review his agents before they enter your app on the basis of the information filled in by them.

To create a custom template
Goto Settings> Template> Create custom.
Add the required fields you want the agents to fill while they signup and save it.
Now, Go to Settings> Agent App> Agent Signup> Select the created template and Save.

show some information to the agent on the app before he accepts the task

you can create a template for the same , templates can be created from tookan dashboard → settings → templates

More info on agents

agents onboarding

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