Integrate QuickBooks with Tookan using Zapier : Overview Using Zapier with Tookan for third-party integration is a robust technique to optimize and streamline day-to-day delivery operations. In this article, we’ll give you a basic run-through on how to integrate Tookan with QuickBooks using Zapier, hassle-free. What is QuickBooks? QuickBooks Online […]
How to use Tookan Customer Wallet?
Tookan Customer wallet provides an e-wallet for your customers, to which they can add money and pay for successive transactions. The entire hassle to add details again and again while making the payment is now saved. Just add details once and make all successive payments very easily. And the biggest advantage is […]
Streamlining Agent Payments: A Guide to Using Stripe Connect on Tookan
Streamlining Agent Payments: A Guide to Using Stripe Connect on Tookan You can transfer the agent’s earnings automatically to an agent’s bank account. Here’s how: Step 1: Activate “Stripe Connect” from the extensions page on the Tookan admin dashboard and configure your Stripe Connect account details. Once activated you will […]
How can Agents be divided into categories?
If Agents have to be divided, Yes this is possible, we have freelancer module where you can specify your freelancer agents, you can add agent as a part of you team, or set team only for the free lancer and set different rule and managers for them and on merchant […]
Set product and service task through Tookan
To set product and service task through Tookan, if you wish them to go together, this is possible. For Delivery we use pick up and delivery work flow, for services we have appointment workflow. So you can use 2 tabs and use both the tasks will com in for both […]
Payment collected against orders added in the Agent wallet
To know about payment collected against orders added in the Agent wallet, please watch demo video Know more about Agent Wallet on Tookan (delivery management software) brings you the flexibility to keep a record of all the transactions done by an agent. It’s a seamless way to integrate the task […]
Merchant (hairdressers) are also the agents (deliverer of service)?
Merchant (hairdressers) are also the agents (deliverer of service)? The merchants that you are adding to Yelo are also providing service, these merchants can be added as agents to the Tookan as when the jobs comes in and they can recieve the job on tookan and do the job this […]
Agent fare calculated by ariel distance. How can we change this?
If you feel that Agent fare calculated by ariel distance, it actually does not work that way. Agent fare is calculated on the basis of actual distance not the aerial distance. The agent allocation is based on aerial distance. Know more about Task Pricing and Agent Earning This add on […]
How to track what should be paid to agents?
Here’s how to track what should be paid to agents as delivery cost: Menu>Analytics> Pricing and earning> Select date range and fleet name. However, that is only possible if you add right Pricing & Earning rules to the template Please check below to know more about Task Pricing & Agent […]
Download weekly earnings report of agents
To download weekly earnings report of agents, please follow the steps: Menu> Analytics> Pricing and earning> Select date range and fleet name> Download Report in CSV You can also check the content below Task Pricing And Agent Earning : This add-on allows you to track your agent’s earnings & task […]