Segment Details

Segment Details Clicking on a segment row on the “Segments” menu screen will lead you to the Segment Details page of that particular segment. You can navigate to this page from Engagement Automation>Segments > Select a segment from the list. The Segment Details page lists the Segment name, type, description, […]

Segments Menu Screen

Segments Menu Screen The “Segments” menu screen lists all the segments, showing the Segment name, Segment created date and time, Segment created by, and the number of contacts that fall in that segment. The system creates a default segment of all the contacts which is visible at the top of […]

What are Segments?

What are Segments? A segment is a group of users defined by specific properties or values. For example, you can segment your users on the basis of demography, geography, and buying behaviors. Segments are used to send campaigns or to analyze specific information or behavioral traits of users. HIPPO’s engagement […]

How to add/invite marketing agents?

How to add/invite marketing agents? In the Hippo, you can add marketing agents from the “Agents” tab on the side menu of the “Chat Dashboard“. Kindly follow the steps below: Click on the “Agents” tab from the side menu and then click on the “Invite Members” button on the top […]


Contacts Contacts is a 360° view of a user you are saving with HIPPO. Contacts store data you collect about your users such as their first name, email address, subscription status, engagement statistics, and chat history etc. A contact is created and updated anytime a user opens your application or […]

Terms to Know

Terms to Know These terms should help you as you begin your journey on HIPPO engagement automation. 1. Contacts HIPPO creates a contact for every person that launches your application and visits your website. 2. Segments The segment feature allows you to segment your users based on their attributes and […]

Getting Started

HIPPO’s Engagement Automation enables your organization to streamline, automate and analyze omnichannel digital marketing efforts and workflows to improve engagements and increase growth. Here’s what you need to know to get started. Terms to Know Contacts

Free Trial and Pricing Plan

HIPPO offers annual and monthly subscription pricing plans that you can choose once the trial period is over. If you want to try HIPPO before committing to an active paid plan, then you can sign up for a free trial.  HIPPO provides a 14 days free trial to determine whether it […]