In this article, you will learn about Free Trial Buying paid plan during the free trial Cancel your free trial Free trial If you want to try Yelo before committing to an active paid plan, then you can sign up for a free trial. Yelo provides a 14 days free trial […]
Website showing as “Not Secure”, how to fix that?
Website showing as “Not Secure”, how to fix that? Example of the problem: You many face this issue due to: SSL certificate not being valid or Incorrect domain pointing or You may have logged in on “” account instead of the white labeled one. Try to login using your white […]
Device Tokens
What is a device token? A device token is not a device IMEI but an ID to identify a certain mobile application on a certain device. A device token also called a push token is a unique key that is issued by the Apple or Google push notification gateways. It […]
Why is my push campaign’s audience reach less than the selected audience?
Why is my push campaign’s audience reach less than the selected audience? Example of the problem “I selected a 20,000+ audience to send push campaigns but it is sent to only 9000 users” If you are facing this issue then the reason could be that The device token of […]
Online Payment is successful but the order is not created on Yelo, what could be the reason?
Online Payment is successful but the order is not created on Yelo, what could be the reason? This can be an issue of either the payment gateway or the Yelo backend. If you are facing this issue, the technical reason could be that Yelo would not be receiving a webhook […]
What is the purpose of cost price and SKU in product catalogue?
What is the purpose of cost price and SKU in the product catalogue? Cost price is the price at which the merchant/admin had bought an item, a difference between the cost price and selling price determines the profit. SKU is a unique identifier in terms of a number or code allocated […]
Can admin edit a customer’s address from the customer records?
Can admin edit a customer’s address from the customer records? No, the admin cannot edit a customer’s address from the customer section on the Yelo admin panel. At present admin can only edit/add delivery addresses against an unaccepted order of a customer and that too if the “Edit Order” option […]
How do I change the delivery address of a customer?
How do I change the delivery address of a customer? An admin can change the delivery address of a customer only against an unaccepted order and that too if the “Edit Order” option is enabled on the admin panel. Please ensure the below steps to change the delivery address for […]
One of the merchants is not showing up in the search while creating an order on the admin panel, what could be the reason?
One of the merchants is not showing up in the search while creating an order on the admin panel, what could be the reason? Example of the problem: In the screenshots below shared by an active client “Into the Forest” is a merchant (terminology renamed as Venue) that is enabled […]
How does merchant search work in Yelo?
How does merchant search work in Yelo? In Yelo if the admin searches a merchant by a keyword then the merchant whose first name consists of the keyword will be shown. If the keyword is the second name of a merchant, the search will not show that merchant. Refer screenshots […]